So you may be wondering why I started this blog. I have been creating art on Instagram and Facebook for over two years. So why this? I feel like I have more to say. I am much more than just art. I am

  • A Follower of Christ
  • A Wife
  • A Mom
  • A Daughter
  • A Friend
  • A Lover of All Things Arts and Crafts
  • A Supporter of All Things Local

So from now on, not only here, but on Instagram and Facebook I will be showing you a little more about me. I think that by you knowing the person behind the art will help us connect more on another level.

So, join me on this crazy new adventure. I promise to keep on posting, if you promise to not judge my grammar…

At the end of last year I was contacted by our family photographer, Emily Hart with Nina and B Photography. She had mentioned she had contacted Metro Family magazine about highlighting my family for a feature in an upcoming issue. Ummmmm okay? How cool is that?!

So the sweet editor/writer, Hannah Schmidt, came to my house a couple months later to conduct my interview. And, can I tell you how amazing and down to Earth she is? She too had just had a little boy and I loved chatting with her. She made me feel 100% comfortable and I loved hosting her in our home.

If you haven’t taken one of my classes or know me personally let me tell you something about myself. I RAMBLE! My husband, Tanner, tells me I come by it honestly from my mom… Isn’t that sweet of him to say… Anyways, yes I ramble. She was so patient with me and turned all my run-on sentences into a beautifully written article about my life as a mom, wife, and business owner.

Now, having shots taken of you a month postpartum with all the lovely baby weight hanging around is never a favorite for anyone. But then for those pictures to be seen by everyone in a huge magazine. Let me just say that had to take some mind over matter thinking, that’s for sure!

I hope you take the opportunity to go over to their website and read my interview and see a little into my life. It’s kinda surreal!