The Perfect Braid and All You Need

I am a HUGE fan of the braid. Yes I am 35 and still rocking french braids some times… But, I will say in the beginning I was horrible at them! I could not french braid if you paid me $1000 and now I can do braids in under 5 minutes. I keep trying to convince my daughter that she’s lucky to have a mom that knows how to do this and for that, I get an eye roll. Yes she is 6 going on 16… 

So, I am going to pass on some tips for you. I was going to make you an awesome video, but to be honest I don’t know how. So I found some amazing YouTube videos to help you out. This is the way I learned. You have to practice! It took me over a week or two to finally get it, but boy am I glad I know how to now. 

First, you need DIRTY hair! The dirtier that hair the better. I go a week between washes… yes a week! And I can promise you that is okay. Every hair dresser tells me that is the best thing for my hair. My first tip is to find a good dry shampoo. Everyone is different and their hair soaks up oils differently so find one that works for you. If you’re “lucky” enough to know me, you get A LOT of products from me that just didn’t work. I AM A PRODUCT JUNKIE. I have finally found a dry shampoo that is geared towards dark hair and is my savior. 

Secondly you need a good brush to get through that dirty hair and some great clear hair ties to tie it back.

I first bought this brush to use on my daughter and instantly fell in love. I am so glad I got the three-pack because they are spread out across our home. I honestly have thought about putting a TILE on one of them (we have those on everything). 

I love these clear bands because they are a matte finish and not shiny. For me, they blend better in my hair and don’t stand out as much. And lastly the Holy Grail of all braid hair products, Kristin Ess Loose Styling Powder. I have turned so many people on to this product! I have friends that come over so I can braid their hair (yes, that really happens) and are amazed at how big their braid can get with this product. 

I have a daughter who has silky fine hair and this product is a game changer. 

To finish off your braid just use a good hairspray to help with flyaways if needed.  I honestly don’t have a favorite hair spray, I kinda just buy whatever is on sale when needed.

I will say once your hair is ready to be washed, use Neutrogena’s Clarifying Shampoo once every month or so (or maybe more often if you wash your hair a lot). It was recommended to me when I was in elementary school and I still use it all the time. 

Now, after all that I am sure you are wondering… Well, that’s great Krystal I have all this product knowledge but STILL DON’T KNOW HOW TO BRAID! Don’t worry I have attached two video on Dutch French Braids. The first is a close up on the dutch braid and the second is a video on how to do a crown braid. 

I hope you guys learned a little bit about what it takes to get a good dutch braid.

And even if your 5, 25, or 45… Rock That Braid! 

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2018 Top Ten Amazon Purchases 


Okay it is time to raise your hand if you are as addicted to Amazon as I am… or maybe as my husband is… I think my favorite thing about Amazon is having the reviews to look at to see the pros and cons. I order so much from Amazon from toilet paper to vacuums. I will say when it comes to gifts I try my hardest to buy from local stores around me. 

Okay, so here it is.. my Top Ten Amazon Purchases from last year.






Car Litter Bag: As soon as someone gets in my car, they order this. It is the perfect size for receipts, straw wrappers, etc. It is easy to use and I promise, you’ll thank me later. 




Apple Watch Band: Another one that I am always asked where I got it from. Before Apple watches I was obsessed with a Michael Kors watch that had this exact band. I’ve had it for almost a year and it still looks brand new. 




Cleaner Concentrate: Why am I 35 years old and just now finding out about cleaner concentrates?! This smells so good and I get so many bottles of cleaner out of it. So far I have gotten three months of cleaner out of the tiny bottle and probably have a couple more weeks left. 




Continuous Spray Bottles: Yes, you can buy just one, but why would you do that?! I use these for the cleaner I mentioned above, windex, and water for my daughter’s hair. These are sleek enough to sit on your counter and not be embarrassed by them. 





Utility Cart: How did I get through my first child without this?! If you are going on a vacation soon LISTEN UP! Buy this, don’t hesitate, DO IT. We wheeled our littles and their carryons throughout the airport, the hotel, the rental car lot, the beach, you name it. It collapses in seconds and it stores away discreetly in your garage and you can gate check them at the airport. GENIUS




Deebot: We picked this up on Amazon Prime day last year and haven’t looked back. There really isn’t a lot to say about it. We love him, he is a part of our family, and he may be my favorite child. 




Acrylic Dividers: I am not going to lie, this was a hard purchase for me. I just felt like it was a lot of money for four acrylic pieces… Man was I wrong. I use these at the top of my closet to divide my pants. And, I have used them in my husband’s closet to divide his shirts. Very well made and for sure a top ten purchase 



Fun Bites Food Shape Cutter: I love this thing. We had it for our first born and somehow lost it so we had to rebuy for our second. It cuts sandwiches and pizza like a breeze. This is also a go-to First Birthday present from me. 




Motion Sensor Closet Lights: We live in a home that was built in 1970. We have tons of closets and storage but no lights. I was sick of having to turn on the hall light and risk waking up the kiddos, so enter these! They are great because you just have to charge with a USB when needed and will last your lifetime. 




Clear Plastic DVD Sleeves: Yes, I still have DVDs. I know, I know, I am one of the few but call me nostalgic or whatever you want, but I love them. We were running out of space and I saw these and jumped. I have them divided into three wire baskets in our home and it is great. The kiddos know how to get into them and we cut down on so much clutter. 

Okay so there you have it. My Top Ten Amazon Purchases for 2018. Hopefully you found at least one thing that sparked your interest. Happy Shopping!